The Community Dig
Monday 11th – Sunday 24th August, Hen Field and Victory Field
The defensive bank showing both side of field boundary wall (click the image to see a larger version)
We are off again! Our dig in April produced a surprising result. A slight bank on the edge of the paddock east of the tithe barn turned out to be some kind of defensive feature. The implication is a defensive enclosure, perhaps centred on Victory Field, dating from the later Saxon period. That’s the theory, but we need more archaeological evidence. We have permission from the Preservation Trust to dig in Hen Field (the paddock) and from the Town Council to place two trenches in Victory Field. We shall be there from Monday 11th August to Sunday 24th August. If you are interested in digging’ please let me know. We can take youngsters under 16 years if accompanied by a parent.
Roy Canham
07807 653143;