Journal Articles


This is by no means an exhaustive list; there are bound to be missing articles- please let us know!

WAM stands for the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine; they can be read online at the Biodiversity Heritage Library

Guardian Angel is the journal of the Bradford on Avon Preservation Trust (selected articles); an online Archive of all copies of Guardian Angel 1990-2019

Linked articles open in a separate tab


Addy, S.O. 1927. The so-called Saxon church at Bradford-on-Avon. Wiltshire Notes & Queries, pp. 237-9, 322.

Anderson, D.M. 1975. The inns and alehouses of Bradford-on-Avon. Heritage vol 1, pp. 12-15.

Annable, F.K. 1956. Stone coffin at Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 56, pp. 390-391.

Angliss, Bill 1998. Greenland Mill, an interim report. Guardian Angel, no. 27, pp. 20-21.

Anon 1899. Country Homes and Gardens Old & New: The Hall, Bradford-on-Avon, The Seat of Mr John Moulton. Country Life 11 March, pp. 304-308.

Anon 1913 [E.H. Goddard?]. Tropenell memoranda [Cottles and West Chalfield]. WAM 38, pp. 48-52

Anon 1923. Shrapnel shell. Journal of the Society of Army History Research, vol.2, pp. 148-150.

Anon 1932. Stone coffin, apparently Roman, at Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 45, p. 76.

Anon 1998. Barton Farm: the history of the West Barn. Guardian Angel, no. 27, pp. 4-5.

Anon 2000. Barton Orchard: a pilgrim’s way? Guardian Angel, no. 31, pp. 11-16

Arkell, Rob 2017-18. Little Chalfield: the other Chalfield manor. Camertonia vol. 54, pp.18-24

 Arkell, Rob 2018. Little Chalfield lawns. Bath and Counties Archaeological Society member’s project. Available online [PDF, opens in a new tab]

Arkell, Robert 2022. Medieval deer parks of the Bradford Hundred. WAM 115, pp. 241-256.

Arkell, Robert & Slocombe, Pamela 2014. The Bradford Hundred moot site and Bradford Hundred Court. WAM 107, pp. 106-117.

Arthurton, A.W. 1911. The Camerton and Limpley Stoke Railway. Railway Magazine vol. 29, pp. 33-37.

Ashton, Mary 2000. The Bradford on Avon Cemetery. Guardian Angel, no 31, pp. 17-21.

Ashton, Mary 2004. Crown Court. Guardian Angel, no. 43, pp. 29-32.

Ashton, Mary 2005. The Church Street Cottages. Guardian Angel, no. 46, pp. 24-30 and 47, pp. 26-32.

Ashton, Mary 2006. Bradford on Avon 705? The people and place. Guardian Angel, no. 49, pp. 20-25.

Ashton, Mary 2010. The Co-op, No 33 and the Preservation Trust, part 1. Guardian Angel, no.63, pp. 4-10

Ashton, Mary 2011. The Co-op, No. 33 and the Preservation Trust, part 2. Guardian Angel, no. 64, pp. 4-10.

Ashton, Mary 2015. The Llewellen Palmer family. Guardian Angel, no. 78, pp. 3-11.

Ashton, Mary & Mawby, Roger 2000. Barton Steps, 5 Newtown. Guardian Angel, no. 31, pp. 19-20.

Ashton, Mary, & Mawby, Roger 2001. The Old Seven Stars. Guardian Angel, no. 34, pp. 15-21.

Aslet, Clive 2017. Great Chalfield Manor: How this medieval house was loved back to life. Country Life (6 August 2017)

Aston, Mick 1986. The Bath region from Late Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Bath History vol. 1, pp. 61-89.

Asturick, George 1848. On the extraordinary amount of phosphoric acid found in a black flaky marl at Broughton, Wilts. The British Farmer’s Magazine, New Series, Vol. 13. pp. 265-267.

Barford, K.E. The West of England cloth industry: a seventeenth century experiment in state control. WAM 42, p. 141.

Batchelor, Rev Kenneth 1974. The story of Holt, no. 3 the early years. Holt Magazine.

Bell, Robert 1996. Bath Abbey: some new perspectives. Bath History, vol. 4, pp. 7-24.

Bendall, P.J. 2022. Limpley Stoke memorial inscriptions. Bath Archives

Berry, Keith 1999. Bradford on Avon’s Technical Institute of 1891. Guardian Angel, no. 29, pp. 23-24.

Bird, Jenny 1975. Dating the Saxon Church. Heritage, vol. 1, pp. 16-21.

Bolton, K. 1975. Snuffy wipers. Heritage, vol. 1, pp. 22-23.

Brakspear, Harold 1925. Excavations at Monkton Farleigh Priory. WAM 43, pp. 1-25

Brodick, Rev Alan. Broughton Gifford. Copy of a deed, belonging to the Rev S.S. Keddle, relating to the tithes of Monkton Farm, in the parish of Broughton Gifford. WAM

Brown, Ritchie, Roy Canham, Roger Clark, Becky Clarke, Mark Corney, Sue Grier, Sophie Hawke, Heather Knight, Jane Mann & Gill Winfield 2019. The archaeology of Budbury, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 112, pp. 85-110.

Burder, W.N. and others 1912. Great Chalfield, Broughton Gifford, and Westwood excursion. Bath & District Branch, Somerset Archaeological Society Proceedings for 1912, pp. 135-142.

Burder, A.W.N. 1915-7. The mediaeval tithe barn, Bradford-on-Avon: report on the work of repair. WAM 39 (1915–17), pp. 485–90

Canham, Roy 1982. Aerial photography in Wiltshire 1975-1980. WAM 76, pp. 3-19.

Canham, Roy 2016. Excavations in Rick Field. Camertonia 53, pp. 30-33.

Carr, Rosemary 2004. William Audley. Guardian Angel, no. 43, pp.23-25.

Carradice, I.A. 1984.  V: Monkton Farleigh, Wilts: 3466 antoniani to 286. in Burnett, A.M. (ed) Coin hoards from Roman Britain. British Museum Occasional Paper no. 54, pp. 61-88.

Casebourne, H.W.R. 1981. The industrial archaeology of the Great Western Railway secondary main lines. WAM 74/75, pp. 170-.

Catling, Chris 2023. Rural Romanitas: rethinking the role of villas. Current Archaeology 2 May 2023.

Cave, A.J.E. 1938. Report on a Romano-British skeleton from Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 48, pp. 415-418

Chapman, Carey 1999. Woman of the world. Guardian Angel, no. 29, pp. 13-15.

Cherry, R.D. 2000. Bradford-on-Avon footbridge: 1962. Guardian Angel, no. 31, pp. 25-26.

Chettle, H.F. 1952. Berlegh Chapel, Wraxall. WAM 54, p. 110.

Clark, Mary 2020. Researching an artist- K Everett of Bradford on Avon. Wiltshire Family History Magazine, Jan. 2020, pp. 27-32

Clark, Roger 2021. Not just any old iron. Guardian Angel 94, pp. 5-6.

Collins, W.G. 1913. [Roman building at Upper Westwood] WAM 45, p. 208.

Collins, W.G. 1915. On a Curious Stone Grating recently discovered at Bradford-on-Avon. The Antiquary, February 1915

Corney, Mark 2014. The Roman villa at Bradford-on-Avon: investigations at St Laurence School. Bulletin of the Association of Roman Archaeology, 16, pp. 10-13.

Corney, Mark 2023. The St Laurence School villa, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire in Martin Henig, Grahame Soffe, Kate Adcock, Anthony King (eds.) 2023. Villas, Sanctuaries and Settlement in the Romano-British Countryside: New Perspectives and Controversies

Cunnington, M.E. 1938. Stone coffin found at Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 48, p. 415

Cunnington, William 1853. The Bradford Clay and its fossils. WAM 6, pp. 1-10.

Davies, Rev J. Silvester 1887. The Manor and Church of Great Chalfield.  Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, vol 23.

Delair, Justin B. 1973. The dinosaurs of Wiltshire. WAM 68A, pp. 1-7.

Delair, Justin B. 1982. New and little-known Jurassic reptiles from Wiltshire. WAM 76, pp. 155-164.

Dobson, Margaret 2002. Leigh (Park) House ((later Leigh Park Hotel). Guardian Angel, no. 37, pp. 7-14.

Driver, J.T. 2000. A ‘perilous, covetous man’: the career of Thomas Tropenell Esq. (c. 1405-88), a Wiltshire lawyer, parliamentary burgess and builder of Great Chalfield. WAM 93, pp. 82-89

Dudley, E. 1953. The Saxon church at Bradford-on-Avon. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 3rd series, vol. 16, pp. 41-58.

Dykes, D.W. 2004. The Dunkirk halfpenny. British Numismatic Journal, vol. 74, pp. 190-197.

Earle, Rev 1886. Traces of the Saxon period in Bath and the neighbourhood. Proceedings of the Bath Natural History & Antiquarian Society, vol. 6, pp. 153-167.

Edmonds, J.M. 1982. The first ‘apprenticed’ geologist. WAM 76, pp. 141-154. [Prof. John Phillips]

Elkin, Paul 1970. The Iron Duke. Wiltshire Industrial Archaeology 2, pp. 16-17.

Elton, Sir A. 1963. The prehistory of railways with special reference to the early quarry railways of north Somerset. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society, vol. 107, pp. 31-59.

Emerson, Janet 2006. History of hospital services in Bradford on Avon. Guardian Angel, no. 49, pp. 10-14.

Erskine, Jonathon G.P., Ellis, Peter and others 2008. Excavations at Atworth Roman Villa, Wiltshire 1970-1975. WAM 101, pp. 51-129.

Falkner, Harold c1918. Bradford-on-Avon. Architectural Review, vol 45, pp.69-74.

Fellender, Tim 2020. The family Rudd and the enigmatic ‘Tillum’, Clocks Magazine, June 2020, pp. 21-23 & 47

Fleming, D. 1944. An account of the independent church and its congregation worshipping in Morgans Hill. Transactions of the Congregational History Society, vol. 14, pp. 40-47.

Forster, A.M. 1987. Bee boles in Wiltshire. WAM 81, pp. 176-183.

Forster, A.M. 1988. Winter storage for bees. WAM 82, pp. 169-171.

Fuller, R.F. 1932. Mural paintings in Great Chalfield church. WAM 45. pp. 503-504.

G.L.H. 1946. A Wiltshire barn. Country Life, vol. 100, pp. 265-266.

Gardner, J.W. 1986. A hand-axe from Farleigh Down, Bath [sic]. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society, vol. 130, p. 163.

Gilbert, E. 1969. The church of St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 62.

Goddard, E.H. 1904. Gold ring found at South Wraxall. WAM 33, p. 414.

Goddard, E.H. 1932. Did Canon Jones discover the Saxon church at Bradford-on-Avon? WAM 45, pp. 500-501.

Goddard, E.H. & Brentnall, H.C. 1944. The ground-plan of the Saxon church, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 50, pp. 498-500.

Gomme, Andor, Gomme, Susan & Slocombe, Pamela 2011. The Hall, Bradford-on-Avon. Wiltshire Heritage (WAM) 104, pp. 193-214.

Goodall, R.D. 1975. Notes on the restoration of Silver Street House. Heritage, vol. 1, pp. 3-10. (reprinted 1999 in Guardian Angel, no. 29, pp. 19-21.)

Gorham, A., Brother Major 1918. The Kennet and Avon Canal and its marks [Freemasons; bound copy in Wiltshire Local Studies Library]

Gorham, A.P. 1930. The upper and lower junctions of the Midford Sands at Limpley Stoke, south-east of Bath. Geological Magazine, vol. 67, pp. 289-297.

Green, Gilbert W. & Donovan, Desmond T. 1969. The Great Oolite of the area around Bath. Bulletin of the Geological Survey.

Griffiths, N. 1983. Early Roman military metalwork in Wiltshire. WAM 77, pp. 49-59.

Hack, Tony & Samways, John 2021. Geophysical survey report: Bradford-on-Avon Grange Barn. WAM 114, pp. 265-269.

Hall, D. 1953. Glass roundels in a country house. Country Life, vol.113, pp 1715, 1716, 1719.

Harmer, F.W. 1907. On the origins of certain cañon-like valleys. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 43, pp. 470-514.

Harrap, Abigail 2004. Ironside’s line: Bradford on Avon’s WWII defences. Guardian Angel, no. 44, pp. 8-11.

Harvey, R. 1985. The Saxon charters of Bradford-on-Avon and Westwood. WAM 79, pp. 235-237.

Harvey, R.B. & Harvey, B.K. 1993. Bradford-on-Avon in the 14th century. WAM 86, pp. 118-129.

Harvey, R.B. 1998. Shaftesbury Abbey’s 12th-century rentals for Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 91, pp. 76-89.

Haslam, Jeremy 1983. Excavations at Barton Farm, Bradford-on-Avon, 1983: interim report. WAM 78, pp. 120-121.

Haslam, Jeremy 2013. The unfinished chapel at Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, and ecclesiastical politics in the early eleventh century. The Archaeology Journal 170, pp. 272-301.

Haslam, Jeremy 2023. The re-use of Budbury hillfort and the development of Bradford-on-Avon in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries. WAM 116, pp. 225-241.

Hawke, Sophie 2006. Dogs, foxes, bears and beer. Camertonia vol 44, pp.18-19

Hawke, Sophie 2014. Another Bradford on Avon villa? Camertonia vol 52, pp. 12-14. (link to a PDF)

Hawke, Sophie 2020. The Romano-British votive relief from Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 113, pp. 284-287.

Hawke, Sophie & Oswin, John 2019. ‘What lies beneath’: a geophysical survey inside St Mary the Virgin Church, Westwood, Wiltshire. Bath and Counties Archaeological Society (link to an external PDF)

Hawke, Sophie & Williams, Tracey 2005. Investigations into stone relief. Guardian Angel, no. 48, pp. 23-24.

Heaton, Michael & Moffatt, William 2004. Recent work at Barton Farm, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, 1998-203. WAM 97, pp. 211-217.

Henig, Martin 1982. The gemstone from Atworth Roman villa. WAM 77, pp. 145-146.

Hicks, A.T. 1919. Roman site at Limpley Stoke (Wilts). Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society (Bath Branch), pp. 167-169.

Hinde, Don & Jane 2001. Christchurch building alteration and adornment. Guardian Angel, no. 36, pp. 9-13.

Hinton, David A. 2000. St Laurence’s Chapel, Bradford-on-Avon. Guardian Angel, no. 31, pp. 11-15.

Hinton, David A. 2003. Recent work on St Laurence’s Chapel, Bradford-on-Avon: an interim report. WAM 96, pp. 206-207.

Hinton, David A. 2009. Recent work at the chapel of St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. Archaeology Journal 166

Hobhouse, Sir Charles 1881. Some account of the parish of Monkton Farleigh. WAM 20, pp. 66-223.

Howell, Jean 2010. Henry William Webley (1899-1976): his involvement withe Bradford on Avon Co-operative Society. Guardian Angel 61, pp. 12-15.

Hunt Derrick and Liz Tuddenham 2021. Bradford on Avon and the canal that never was. Guardian Angel 95, pp. 10-13.

Hussey, C. 1943. The Court, Holt, Wiltshire, the home of Major T.C.E. Goff. Country Life, vol. 93, pp. 26-29, 74-77.

Hussey, C. 1943. Four historic homes safeguarded by the National Trust. Country Life, vol. 94, pp. 376-380.

Ide, Isabel 1995. John Kent (1558-1630) of Devizes, Potterne and Winsley. WAM 88, pp. 91-99.

Ingledew, W.A. 1943. A consecration cross at the Saxon Church of St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, series 4, vol 6, pp. 175-177.

Jackson, Canon J.E. 1854. Kingston House, Bradford. WAM 1, pp. 265-269.

Jackson, Canon J.E 1858. The history of the Priory of Monkton Farley. WAM 4, pp. 267-284.

Jackson, Canon J.E. 1872. Rowley alias Wittenham. WAM 13, pp. 227-251.

Jones, Roger 2004. 4 Budbury Place: formerly Budbury Farm and Budbury Manor. Guardian Angel, no. 43, pp. 17-22.

Jones, W.H. 1859. An account of the parish of Bradford on Avon. WAM 5, pp. 1-88.

Jones, W.H. 1862. The Wiltshire possessions of Abbess of Shaftesbury. WAM 7, pp. 278-301.

Jones, W.H. 1872. The Saxon church of Saint Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 13, pp. 275-6.

Jones, W.H. 1872. On the “fetter-lock” as a cognizance of the Longs of Wraxall. WAM 13, pp. 280-284.

Jones W.H. 1876. Trust deed of the Saxon church of St Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 16, pp. 345-349.

Kidston, G.J. 1950. Cumberwell near Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 53(193), pp. 471-485.

Kidston, G.J. 1952. More about Cumberwell. WAM 53, pp. 279-288.

Lawley, Joy 2010. Survival and conservation: the stories of two medieval gems; the Manors of Great Chalfield and Chavenage. Camertonia 48, pp. 39-41

Lewcun, Marek J. 1994. The clay tobacco pipe making industry of Bath. Bath History vol. 5, pp. 125-146.

Loftie, W.J. 1905. Bradford-on-Avon – II. The Architectural Review, vol.17, February 1905, pp.51–8.

MacGibbon, A.L. 1908. The church of St. Laurence at Bradford-on-Avon. Scottish Ecclesiological Society.

MacGregor, Rosie 2022. When the Harlem Renaissance came to Ivy Terrace. Guardian Angel 98, pp. 6-7.

MacLeay, Alistair 2009. Market town excursions. A comparison of Bradford on Avon and Frome. Camertonia 47, pp. 43 – 44.

Mattingly, Neil 2007. Brunel in Bradford. Guardian Angel, no. 53, pp. 6-10.

Mattingly, Neil 2008. A history of St Margaret’s Villas & ‘French Grass Ground’ over the last thousand years. Guardian Angel, no. 55, pp. 12-20

Mellor, A. Shaw 1939. Two buried cruciform stone pavements at Atworth, Wilts. WAM 48, pp. 419-424.

Mellor, A. Shaw & Goodchild, R. 1942. The Roman villa at Atworth, Wilts. WAM 49, pp. 46-95.

Mellor, A. Shaw 1950. Romano-British burial at Bradford on Avon. WAM 53, pp. 137-138.

Metherinham, Molly 1998. 61, Newtown. Guardian Angel, no. 27, pp. 11-12.

Moss, Angela 2021a. A house through time. [The Prebend House, St Margaret’s Street]. Guardian Angel 95, pp. 5-9.

Moss, Angela 2021b. Who would live in a house like this? Guardian Angel 96, pp. 6-12

Nicolle, Jason St. John 1993. A Note on the identification of  ‘Alvestone’ in Wiltshire Domesday. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 86, pp. 151-152.

Osgood, Claire 2006. Aldhelm’s Bradford. Guardian Angel, no. 51, pp. 16-19.

Oswald, Arthur 1962. [The Hall]. Country Life, 11, 18, 25 October.

Oswin, John 2012. Geophysics at Iford. Camertonia vol 50, p.31.

Pafford, J.H.P. 1940. Accounts of the Parliamentary garrisons of Great Chalfield and Malmesbury. Wiltshire Record Society, vol. 2.

Pafford, J.H.P. 1952. Bradford on Avon: the Saxon boundaries in Ethelred’s charter of 1001 AD. WAM 54. pp. 210-18, 372.

Pafford, J.H.P. 1953. The spas and mineral springs of Wilts. WAM 55, pp. 1-33 [Holt pp. 10-15]

Palmer, T.J. & Fürsich, F.T. 1974. The ecology of a Middle Jurassic hardground and crevice fauna. Palaeontology, vol. 17, pp. 507-524.

Payne, Peter Lester 1957. George Spencer: merchant and rubber spring manufacturer 1852-91. Research Center in Entrepreneurial History, Harvard University.

Penn, I. E. and Wyatt, R. J. 1979. The stratigraphy and correlation of the Bathonian strata of the Bath-Frome area. Report of the Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 78/22, 23-88.

Pollard, David 1982. Bath stone quarry railways 1795-1830. Bristol Industrial Archaeology Society Journal 15, pp. 13-19.

Presland, John 2008. Dry stone wall: a biological treasure? WAM 101, pp. 8-17.

Rogers, Edward 1991. The railway that never was. Trowbridge History, vol.1, pp. 23-28

Rogers, Helen 1994. News of the (Tudor) world: some local cases in the Church Courts under the Tudors. Trowbridge History, vol.2, pp. 1-10.

Rogers, Kenneth 1994. Some Wingfield houses. Trowbridge History, vol. 2, pp. 65-73.

Rogers, Kenneth 2000. Yet more about Cumberwell. WAM 93, pp. 249-254.

Schomberg, Arthur 1889. The church heraldry of North Wiltshire. WAM 24, pp. 44-57 (Bradford Hundred pp. 51-57)

Scrope, George Poulett 1855. History of the Wiltshire manors subordinate to the Barony of Castle Combe. WAM 2, pp. 261-289.

Seekings, Annette & John 2000. Horton’s House. Guardian Angel, no. 31, pp. 23-27.

Seekings, Annette & John Seekings  & James Brooke-Ward 2015. Timbrell’s Yard revived. Guardian Angel 76, pp. 5-8.

Seekings, John 1999. The monastery at Bradford-on-Avon: preliminary note. Guardian Angel, no. 30, pp. 12-14.

Seekings, John 2005. The Frome Road gasworks. Guardian Angel, no. 46, p. 31.

Seekings, John & Annette 2011. From Church Hall to Masonic Hall. Guardian Angel, no. 64, pp. 13-17.

Self, C.A. & Boycott, A. 2011. Cotswold cave notes: Budbury – Gorton’s Rift. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, vol 25 (2), pp 249-251.

Shum, Frederick 1881. Some notes on Gainsborough and his connection with Bradford. WAM 20, pp. 55-65

Skrine, H.D. 1882. A walk around the Manor of Forde. Proceedings of the Bath Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club, vol. 5, pp. 53-68.

Skrine, H.D. 1886. Letter illustrating the battles of Claverton and Lansdown. Bath Natural History & Antiquarian Field Club, vol 6, pp. 167-181.

Slater, Gareth 2005. Belcombe Court. Guardian Angel, no. 48, pp.10-13.

Slater, Gareth 2005. What went wrong at Maplecroft? Guardian Angel, no. 47, pp. 7-13.

Slater, Gareth 2006. Nowhere Lane, Bradford on Avon. Guardian Angel, no. 51, pp. 30-32.

Slater, Gareth 2008. The gardens of The Hall Bradford-on-Avon. Journal of the Wiltshire Gardens Trust, 58, pp. 9-26.

Slater, Gareth 2009. Bradford on Avon’s first council houses. Guardian Angel 60, pp. 12-18

Slocombe, Ivor 2005. The establishment of parish councils in Wiltshire. WAM 98, pp. 49-70.

Slocombe, Ivor 2007. Bradford-on-Avon sewage works. Guardian Angel, no. 53, pp.12-13.

Slocombe, Ivor 2011. The Bradford flood of 1894 and the relief fund. Guardian Angel, no.  64, pp. 10-12.

Slocombe, Ivor 2023. Wiltshire and the 1902 Education Act. WAM 116, pp. 292-301.

Slocombe, Pamela 1986. Two medieval roofs in West Wiltshire. WAM 80, pp. 170-175.

Slocombe, Pamela 1992. The dedication of the chapel at Tory and the ‘safe refuge’, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 85, p. 151.

Slocombe, Pamela 2011. Excavation at the Saxon Chapel in the year 2000. Guardian Angel, no. 54, pp. 26-27.

Slocombe, Pamela 2024. William Walter Wheatley, topographical artist. WAM 117, pp. 213-215.

Smith, Isobel 1958. Axe from a ploughed field at Winsley, Bradford-on-Avon. WAM 57, pp 402-403, fig. 1:4.

Stote, Rev A.W. 1921. The Society’s MSS. Abstracts of copies of Court Rolls and other documents relating to the Manors of Bradford and Westwood. WAM 41, pp.217-263.

Taylor, H.M. 1972. J.T. Irvine’s work at Bradford on Avon. Archaeological Journal, vol. 129, pp.89-118.

Taylor, H.M. 1973. The Anglo-Saxon chapel at Bradford-on-Avon. Archaeological Journal, vol. 130, pp. 141-171.

Thorn, Frank 2005. The Hundred of Bath in 1086 and before. Bath History 10, pp. 9-27. [PDF, opens a new tab]

Thorn, Frank 2008. Kelston in Domesday Book. Somerset Archaeology & Natural History, pp. 139-151.

Thorn, Frank R. 2010. “That most famous monasterium at Bath”, its hundred hides and its estates, viewed from South Stoke. Somerset Archaeology & Natural History Proceedings 153, pp. 13-53

Thurlby, Malcolm 2022. Further aspects of romanesque Malmesbury Abbey: the relic column, south porch and west front. WAM 115, pp.58-75.

Tratman, E.K. 1973. Flint implements from the Bath Downs. University of Bath Spelaeological Society, vol. 13, part 2.

Underwood, Guy 1945. [Budbury] WAM 51, pp. 229-231.

Underwood, Guy 1945. Early British settlement at Farleigh Wick and Conkwell. WAM 51, pp. 440-452.

Valatin, Martin 2005. Roman plaster from Budbury villa baths. Guardian Angel, no. 46, pp. 19-23.

Valatin, Martin 2006. The Hall in the time of William de Hall c1315. Guardian Angel, no. 49, pp. 16-18.

Valatin, Martin 2013. Holy Trinity Church, Bradford on Avon. Guardian Angel, no.70. pp. 12-15.

Valatin, Martin 2014. Of roads and ramparts. Guardian Angel, no. 73, pp. 13-18.

“Viator” 1838. Great Chalfield Manor-house, Wiltshire. Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. 163, pp. 251-257.

Voce, A. P. 1969. The Murhill Tramroad. Wiltshire Industrial Archaeology, no. 1, p. 15.

Waddington, Trevor 2005. The Rudd family of clockmakers. Guardian Angel, no. 48, pp. 24-26.

Wainwright, G.J. 1970. An Iron Age promontory fort at Budbury, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. WAM 65, pp. 108-166.

Walker, Edward 1944. [drawings of Bradford]. Country Life.

Walker, Thomas Larkins 1838. Manor-house at South Wraxall, Wiltshire. Gentleman’s Magazine, vol. 163, pp. 257-261.

Werran, Kate 1993. Limpley Stoke Mill. Bristol Industrial Archaeology Society (BIAS) Journal 26, pp. 15-19.

Whittock, Hannah 2012. Why does the north-western boundary of Wiltshire ignore the river Avon? WAM 105, pp. 96-104.

Whittock, Martyn 2006. Aldhelm’s Wessex: the state in AD 705. Guardian Angel, no. 50, pp. 11-16.

Wilkinson, Rev. J. 1852. History of Broughton Gifford (part 1). WAM 5, pp. 265-341.

Wilkinson, Rev. J. 1853. History of Broughton Gifford (part 2). WAM 6, pp. 11-72.

Willis, Anne 2004. Broughton Gifford church bells. Guardian Angel, no. 44, pp. 31-33.

Willis, Anne 2007. Chapels and chantries at Holy Trinity. Guardian Angel, no. 53, pp. 14-19.

Willis, Anne 2015. The organs of Holy Trinity. Guardian Angel, no. 78, pp. 14-18.

Willis, Anne 2022. ‘Accessible to the general reader’: the Rev. W.H. Jones and his Domesday for Wiltshire. WAM 115, pp. 106-116.

Willis, Anne 2024. Mrs Tackle and the Bathampton Branch. Journal of the Railway and Canal Historical Society, vol. 4 part 5 no. 250, pp. 258-268.

Wyatt, R.J. & Cave, R. 2002. The Chalfield Oolite Formation (Bathonian, Middle Jurassic) and the Forest Marble overstep in the south Cotswold, and the stratigraphical position of the Fairford Coral Bed. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, vol. 113, pp. 139-152.


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