Community Dig 2014

Bradford on Avon Museum has arranged to excavate on land to the east of the Tithe Barn near Victory Field. We will start on Saturday 29th March, working 9-30am to 4pm each day.

If necessary we will continue until Sunday 13th April. To find us, we are just above the small car park at the end of Pound Lane.

We know little about archaeology in the town, so anything is possible. Near the Tithe Barn we may see signs of activity in the Middle Ages, but it’s a shot in the dark! We plan to investigate other sites in Bradford over the next two years.

Try your hand at digging!

All are welcome, volunteers under 16 years need to be accompanied by a parent and all workers need to wear sturdy boots. If you are interested

please contact Roy Canham (01225 866748 to book a slot, or just call in at the dig anytime for a chat.

Read our Community Dig blog!

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