Spectacular fields around Haugh Farm
Plotting of the ancient landscape detail from the Lidar survey is nearing completion. To aid this process, Ritchie Brown has produced 6 images from each kilometre square Lidar tile, each image processed from a different azimuth or compass point to show up archaeology from a range of lighting angles.
The results can be spectacular, as shown here around Haugh Farm (click the image to view a larger version). There is clearly a backdrop of regular field-shapes, square or rectangular, which are likely to be ‘Celtic fields’ of prehistoric or Roman date. Much of the surface material collected by Adrian Powell in this part of Bradford Hundred includes not only Roman pottery but also Bronze Age flintwork, probable ‘manure scatters’ from these ancient fields.
West and north of the farm are field boundaries of a less regular type. They do not relate to the Celtic fields, or to the recent boundaries recorded on the tithe map of 1841 (the pink lines). Haugh is mentioned in a survey carried out by Shaftesbury Abbey around AD1300, and it is possible that the place was then perhaps a small hamlet. Like many Medieval settlements it has probably shrunk in size over the years, but these small irregular enclosures may mark its original extent.
Get involved!
There are many ways to get involved with the project: looking at aerial photographs, field walking, helping to plot the findings on maps, to name but a few. For those interested in helping with the project, we will also be running training sessions on identifying earthworks, and other skills.
If you are interested in getting involved with this exciting project, please contact Roy Canham on 01225 866748 or at roycanham@btinternet.com.
If you’re not sure what you could do to help, read our How To Get Involved blog post.
If you aren’t able to help, but you want to keep up to date, then please follow our blog. We’ll be holding public talks and other events throughout the year, so look out for announcements here.