Old Photographs: Rowing and Sailing
Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
Bradford on Avon Rowing Club began in 1873 and built a boathouse next to Barton Bridge. Its canoeing arm has recently gained fame after member Ed McKeever gained a gold medal in the 200m kayak event at the London 2012 Olympics.
Bradford Rowing Club coxed pairs winners with their trophies at Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire in 1926. The rowers are George Brown (left) and Stanley Long and the cox is Gerald Christopher, the son of Richard, the chemist whose shop is now in Bradford on Avon Museum.
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The Rowing Club’s boathouse next to Barton Bridge. A house in the background in course of construction was built in 1906, giving the date of the photograph. The boathouse has been extended since then.
A Bradford Rowing Club eight on the River Avon at the medieval Barton Bridge in about 1960.
Incidentally, in the background beyond the bridge, is the old Great Western Railway goods shed which was demolished.
Coxed pairs racing on the River Avon, probably at the time of the annual regatta, which was held in August, in the 1960s.
Members of the Bradford Rowing Club, presumably an eight and their cox and others, posing at the club’s boathouse opposite Barton Farm.
The Bradford on Avon Sailing Club was founded in 1965 as the Staverton & Bradford Sailing Club, sailing Mirror dinghies. It has a boathouse by the water meadows upstream of Bradford, a stretch known as “The Main”, where the river is wider and slower.
The Bradford Sailing Club boathouse, raised on stilts above flood level. It and boatyard are surrounded by substantial steel railings now.