Discussion Group – Excursions in the 1800s with Rev John Skinner: Part Two
Wednesday 5th July, 7:30pm, Library Meeting Room
Rev John Skinner was Rector of Camerton and a keen antiquarian, who kept many journals of his life as a clergyman and his numerous trips to archaeological sites both at home and abroad. This Discussion Group session, led by Sophie Hawke, follows on from her talk at Discussion Group last December, looking at the life of Rev Skinner, and examining his accounts of visits to some local sites and his contribution to archaeology.
Discussion Group covers a wide range of subjects, and if you haven’t been along to a session yet, do try it out.
The meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Library Meeting Room, and are FREE to members. Non-members can attend one session before being asked to join. If you know of someone who isn’t a member, do bring them along – it’s a great introduction to the Museum.