
Old Photographs: Beavens’ Tannery

Holt, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire


Beavens' factory, The Midlands, Holt

Beavens’ leather factory in The Midlands, Holt

Workers and management of Beavens'

Management and workers

Workers at Beavens'

Beavens' management c1948

Management, mainly Beaven family members, in about 1948

School visit to Beavens'

A school group from Trowbridge on a tour of the factory being shown processes in preparing hides by Ray Stillman, factory manager

The glove shop in 1949

Beavens’ was well known for making leather gloves. Women sewing the gloves on foot-powered machines in 1949, shortly before the glove department closed

Woolsack delivery to Beavens'

Beavens also had a department that handled wool; a delivery of large sacks of fleeces being unloaded from a lorry by hand-operated crane

Beavens' wool department

Beavens' Holt wool sorting


Beavens' excursion to Portsmouth 1905

An excursion to Portsmouth for workers and their families from Holt Junction railway station in 1905

Beavens' biicentenary dinner, 1970

The firm’s bicentenary celebration dinner