
George Milsom, ironfounder etc

Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire


George Milsom

George Milsom at the gate of his works, in the 1880s; the ornamental fountain on the right was used as the centrepiece of the opening ceremony of the Bradford on Avon Waterworks in 1883


George Milsom (1834-1919), described himself variously as an engineer, iron and brass founder, agricultural implement maker and general commission agent. He was a son of Charles Huntley Milsom (c1798-1860), who had been working as a blacksmith and engineer “near the Bridge” since at least 1840. He succeeded William Coles at the “old established iron foundry” in Trowbridge Road after the death of Coles and his son in 1857.

George Milsom produced a wide range of articles: steam engines, agricultural machinery, household fittings such as fire grates, dairying equipment like a cheese press that was in Cloford Manor in Somerset, and items of street furniture. There was a gully grating with his name cast into the iron in Church Street next to Dutch Barton, but it disappeared as part of a County Council replacement programme in the 1990s. It was said to have been found at the council depot in Melksham and put aside for Bradford on Avon Museum, but sadly it subsequently was lost.

George Milsom retired in 1889 and went to live in Mount Pleasant, opposite Christ Church, where he was buried in 1919.

Milsom handed the business over to Berkley Uncles, who had been working for him for 18 years, from his apprenticeship.