Museum Discussion Group – My Military Ancestors
Wednesday 2nd April, 7:30pm in the Library Meeting Room
The next meeting of the Museum Discussion Group will be held on Wednesday 2nd April at 7:30pm in the Library Meeting Room, where Jonathan Falconer will be leading the session on researching your military ancestors.
These Museum Discussion Group sessions are FREE to members. You don’t need to book or attend all the sessions – just turn up.
Future sessions:
Wednesday 7th May
Looking Into Pottery
This session will include the opportunity to look at pottery sherds through a microscope
(led by Gill Winfield)
Wednesday 4th June
An Introduction to the Archaeology of Wiltshire
(led by Roy Canham)
Topics for later in 2014 will be announced nearer the time in the Museletter, as well as being posted here on the website and on our Facebook page.
If you are not a member you are very welcome to come along to one of these sessions to try it out – it’s a good opportunity to find out more about all the Museum’s activities. Membership is only £10 a year. Fill out the form online, pick up a form in the Library or Museum, or contact Kate Turnbull on 01225 866328 or at