Exhibition: 21st birthday

Saturday 3rd October – Friday 28th October 2011, Library Meeting Room

Bradford on Avon Museum celebrates its 21st birthday this year.  To mark the occasion, an exhibition has been mounted in the Museum and in the Library Meeting Room (upstairs at Bradford on Avon Library).

Following contributions from the public at the Saturday Market in Westbury Gardens in July, and in the Library and Museum foyer during August and September, we have mounted a Bradford on Avon Timeline covering events from the past 21 years in the town.  This can be seen upstairs in the Museum at any time during Library opening hours.

In addition, the Library Meeting Room contains a mixture of materials demonstrating the work of the Museum and Museum Society over the past 21 years, including the Millennium Tapestry, pottery sherds from the Museum’s first archaeological dig, and panels from previous Museum Exhibitions.

The story of the founding of the Museum Society and the Museum, and our vision for the future of the Museum is also on display.

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