Discussion Group: Local History Question Time
Wednesday 5th December, 7:30pm in the Library Meeting Room
Our December Discussion Group session will be a bit different to the usual format, and a bit special, because we have a panel of four experts ready to answer all of your local history questions!
Our illustrious panel members are:
- Roy Canham, former Country Archaeologist for Wiltshire
- Roger Clark, Hon. Curator of Bradford on Avon Museum, and former Geology Curator at Bristol City Museum
- Ivor Slocombe, local historian and author of many books on Bradford on Avon and Wiltshire’s history
- Pam Slocombe, buildings historian and former head of Wiltshire Buildings Record
Our panelists have a wealth of knowledge between them, and this is sure to be an informative evening. Start thinking about your questions now!
This will be our last Discussion Group meeting of 2018. We will be taking a break as usual in January, and meetings will recommence on Wednesday 6th February. The schedule of Discussion Group talks for 2019 will be posted on the Museum website once we have confirmed speakers.
Discussion Group thrives due to the generosity of the speakers. We are lucky that Bradford on Avon Museum has so many knowledgeable friends willing to give up their time to lead Discussion Group sessions. If you would be willing to give a talk at Discussion Group, please contact Kate Turnbull on 01225 866328 or at turnbullke@googlemail.com.
Discussion Group covers a wide range of subjects, and if you haven’t been along to a session yet, do try it out.
The meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Library Meeting Room, and are FREE to members (please remember to bring your new membership card!). Non-members can attend one session before being asked to join. If you know of someone who isn’t a member, do bring them along – it’s a great introduction to the Museum.