Zooming Out

Entries on our blog so far have focused on areas of special interest, checking how data from the project may help us to understand how the landscape of Bradford Hundred may have developed over the last 3000 years.

It’s valuable to ‘zoom out’ and take a broader view. The image was processed in newly acquired software and shows the whole project area in remarkable clarity. As reference points, note the A363 running top-left from ‘Sally-in-the-Woods’ to Bradford (past the humps and bumps of the Cumberwell golf-course), and most clearly the River Avon plus K&A canal to the left and bottom.

The steep, ragged edge of the valley, although tree-covered, comes through in sharp detail, and across the plateau the detailed archaeology of ancient fields and boundaries are visible, even from this ‘high altitude’ viewpoint.

Click on the image to view a larger version

See the results!

An exhibition setting out the results of our Heritage Lottery funded historic landscape project will be on show in the Library Meeting Room from 23rd November – 2nd December during Library opening hours.

Get involved!

There are many ways to get involved with the project: looking at aerial photographs, field walking, helping to plot the findings on maps, to name but a few.  For those interested in helping with the project, we will also be running training sessions on identifying earthworks, and other skills.

If you are interested in getting involved with this exciting project, please contact Roy Canham on 01225 866748 or at roycanham@btinternet.com.

If you’re not sure what you could do to help, read our How To Get Involved blog post.

If you aren’t able to help, but you want to keep up to date, then please follow our blog.  We’ll be holding public talks and other events throughout the year, so look out for announcements here.

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